Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A New Year.....

Crazy....Unbelievable....say it aint so! All words we use to describe a new year on the horizon.....we know its coming.....every 12 months...lol But it still always catches us by surprise somehow.

Of course along with it........all the things we "said" we were gonna do last year that never happened.......commitments made but not kept.....bright ideas never brought to fruition.......

The best part.....we get a chance to do it all over again. Maybe this will be the year I get to my goal weight.......that I start that scrap booking project....that I get the disposable cameras from our wedding reception developed! (I know I'm horrible)......that we take that dream vacation....read the bible through without having to catch up chapters at a time......

A fresh start....that's what the new year brings....So instead of getting down about all the things you meant to accomplish last year.....think of all the wonderful things you have a chance to do this year!

Happy New Year!!!! 2010


Anonymous said...

or how about keeping your blog up to date lol

Kelly said...

I love your attitude, Stacey! God bless your family in 2010! And if you get a chance come see me in Oklahoma!

Stacey Merriman said...

Anonymous.....I keep as up to date as time allows. However, I will try to do better this year!