A few weeks ago...(isn't that how all my posts start, since I'm always a few weeks behind!) I surprised Gary with a trip to St.Louis for his 29th birthday. He spent several years of his childhood living in Poplar Bluff, MO with his father, where he was properly taught all about Cardinals baseball. He spent many a happy night in the outfield cheap seats learning to love the game.
He hadn't been since he moved away...oh 20 years ago! I had never been to a pro ball game and was clueless, but I did my research and bought our game tickets, booked our hotel and called his boss to secretly get him scheduled to be off work that Friday so we could head to St. Louis!
He was surprised and happy when he opened his card and off he went to pack and the next morning off we went to MO. Both of us were pleasantly surprised by the modern day STL. Being the #1 crime capitol in America, I'll have to admit, I was a bit nervous about being in this urban setting for the weekend. All of my fears were laid to rest when we arrived at our hotel. The Downtown has been completely restored and turned into a very safe, desirable and walkable place!
Almost every historic building that wasn't an office had or was currently being converted to lofts or apartments. There were families out walking dogs.....couples walking home with groceries and ballpark goers everywhere.....we LOVED it!
We filled our weekend with the normal touristy stuff, the Arch, an amazing pirate exhibit at the science museum, and of course the Cards game. The weekend was a total blast and we cant wait to go back as a family. Did you know that all of the museums and the world class Zoo in STL are free??????
As you can tell I wholeheartedly endorse STL for a weekend getaway or vacation......hehe
Have you been lately? What did you think??
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